government farming subsidies

Different Kinds Of Farming Subsidies Available in India

One of the primary methods by which KisaanMitrr helps farmers across India is by introducing them to a variety of farming subsidies that the government has made available. We’ve come across several individuals who have the land and the time but lack the knowledge to actually take farming seriously. This leads to large portions of land simply lying vacant or not being made use of in the most optimal manner. That’s where KisaanMitrr steps in with their farm consulting services in India. We’re not only a repository of all farming knowledge, but we have a grip on all the nuances needed to apply for and avail government subsidies to grow your farming venture. In this blog we’ll look at all the various opportunities available to help your farming efforts.

Types Of Agricultural Subsidies in India

Input Subsidies:

Farming is a very input-driven industry. To ensure the success of your agricultural project, you need fertilizers, man-power, seeds, electricity, equipment. All this while easy to come by can be quite expensive. So the government provides input subsidies on some of these items to reduce the load. Here are some types of input farming subsidies.

Irrigation Subsidies

One of the largest challenges in India is finding adequate irrigation supply for farming projects in India. Providing irrigation facilities is extremely cost heavy and does require support from the government. The government does it bit by constructing canals, dams etc, however, it also subsidizes equipment for farms like pumps and pipes. Here’s a detailed look at the irrigation subsidies in India.

Fertilizer Subsidies

Another crucial component of the farming ecosystem is the fertilizer available to farmers. These subsidies can be in the directly levied or indirectly. Direct subsidies would be in the form of providing the manufacturer of the fertilizer with the difference in the amount that the company charges and the amount the farmer can pay. Indirect subsidies are in the form of reduction of import duties on fertilizers which effectively ensures high-quality fertilizers are available to farmers are low rates.

Seed Subsidies

High-quality seeds are of the utmost importance to ensure high-quality output. Depending on the requirement of your land you might only be able to grow certain kinds of plants. The seeds could turn out to be an extremely expensive component of your farming project. To ensure that all farmers have the availability of the best quality seeds that produce the most optimal output the government subsidizes the cost of seeds.

Credit Subsidies

Some subsidies are in the form of actual credit. In most cases, the government provides loans at relatively lower rates of interest to ensure that everyone is able to afford credit, and in dire situations, the government has also from time to time cleared off all the loans given to farmer since in most cases they are not able to pay back the loans. KisaanMitrr farming consultancy can help you avail easy loans.


Price Subsidy

The subsidies do not end in the production stage. The government continues to support the backbone of the nation even during the selling stage. Due to circumstances, it can come to be that the cost of production of a certain type of product is higher than the selling price. In such cases, the government buys the product from the farmers at prices above the market rate to ensure profits. The government does this to ensure that there is no scarcity of any one particular agricultural product in the market.

Export Subsidies

Farmers that sell their products to foreign markets earn well. They make money for themselves while improving the forex reserve of the country. This is encouraged by the government, provided it doesn’t harm the local economy. These farming subsidies go a long way in encouraging farming of certain types of produce.

How To Avail Farming Subsidies in India

While availing farming subsidies in India is not difficult you could need assistance. KisaanMitrr, India’s best farm consulting agency specializes in helping first-time farmers go through the process. One of the special agriculture consulting services we provide is to help farmers fill in the detailed project report and all the paperwork required by the government offices required to avail subsidies. If you are looking for help with government farming subsidies, please reach out to the experts at KisaanMitrr today! Get in touch.