
Profitable agriculture practices for small scale farmers in India, 2022

Profitable Agriculture For Small Farmers

India is a country dominated by small farmers but they are not always profitable. Indian agriculture’s small-holding feature is significantly more prevalent today than it was previously. Small-scale agriculture, which is the subject of this study, is critical for India’s agricultural growth, food security, and livelihoods. It should be remembered that small and marginal farmers dominate Indian agriculture. As a result, the performance of small and marginal farmers will determine India’s future agricultural growth and food security. Small and marginal farmers also contribute more to the production of high-value crops in terms of production. They contribute significantly to the production of vegetable and fruit crops. As a result, small farmers help to diversify the economy while also ensuring food security.

So here are some of the major profitable agriculture practices for small-scale farmers

Mushroom Farming For Small Farmers

In India, mushroom growing is a relatively new phenomenon. It is mostly grown on the hills since it requires a cool climate to develop; however, with the advancement of contemporary cultivation technology, it is now feasible to produce mushrooms year-round under-regulated settings and seasonally under uncontrolled ones. In the last 10 years, farming entrepreneurs have erected a considerable number of commercial units for the production of button mushrooms around the country. However, because they contain more than 90% moisture, they are very perishable and begin to deteriorate soon after harvest. Due to the enzymatic action of phenoloxidase, they develop a brown colour on the surface of the cap, resulting in a shortened shelf life.

Because fresh mushrooms are highly perishable, they must be treated to extend their shelf life for off-season usage by using appropriate post-harvest technologies to transform surplus mushrooms into unique value-added products. KisaanMitrrs smart agriculture consulting service arms you with the knowledge and know-how to profitably build a mushroom farming set up in the most challenging circumstances.

Some of the processed value-added products which we can develop via mushroom farming are –

  1. Mushroom Ketchup
  2. Mushroom Candy
  3. Mushroom Murabba
  4. Mushroom Chips
  5. Mushroom Soup Powder
  6. Mushroom Nuggets
  7. Ready–to–eat mushroom curry (RTE)
  8. Mushroom biscuits

Microgreen Farming For Profits

Microgreens are edible seedlings that are picked 7–14 days after germination when two cotyledon leaves have fully formed. Microgreens include a diverse range of herbs, vegetables, and even flowers. Baby greens have increased in favour among culinary artists for adding texture and flavour accents to salads, sandwiches, and other foods. They are typically more flavorful, with some being fairly hot than their mature counterparts.

Growing and consuming microgreens has attracted attention due to rising culinary demand and the simplicity with which they may be cultivated, even by unskilled gardeners in urban environments. With KisaanMitrr’s farming consulting services we can help optimize the production of these microgreens to help improve the efficiency of the growth and provide better profits for the farmer.


Only the stems and leaves of microgreens are considered edible, comparable to baby greens. Baby greens are smaller than microgreens and can be sold even before they are harvested. This implies that the plants may be purchased whole and cut at home, allowing them to remain alive until consumed. Microgreens are easy to cultivate since they may be grown in a range of environments, including the outdoors, greenhouses, and even your windowsill.

Some of the major microgreen plants are-

  1. Sunflower Microgreens.
  2. Radish Microgreens.
  3. Pak Choi Microgreens.
  4. Broccoli Microgreens.
  5. Cabbage Microgreens.
  6. Spinach Microgreens.
  7. Beetroot Microgreens.
  8. Corn Microgreens.

Aquaponics For Profitable Farming

Aquaponics is a food production method in which nutrient-rich aquaculture water is given to hydroponically grown plants, where ammonia is converted to nitrates by nitrifying bacteria. Food cultivated in an aquaponic garden is healthier, fresher, and truly organic in terms of nutrition, while water waste is greatly reduced when compared to private gardens and commercial farms.



Aquaponic System Integrators

Aquaponic systems are available in a variety of sizes, ranging from tiny interior units to huge commercial units. They might be freshwater systems or systems that contain salt or brackish water. Aquaponic systems offer a one-of-a-kind possibility for year-round plant and fish production. Out-of-season production of leafy greens, herbs, and vegetables, which may take advantage of substantially higher seasonal pricing, can be a key source of income for aquaponic farmers. Chefs in metropolitan regions value the great quality and freshness of aquaponic vegetables. Buyers are more inclined to maintain aquaponic producers as a vendor if they can bridge seasonal gaps with fresh vegetables, helping producers to acquire a bigger market share. Furthermore, aquaponic farmers benefit greatly from the local foods movement and consumer willingness to pay more for a good product. Kisaanmitrr provides consultancy services for both hydroponics as well as for fish farming which will be a boon for small-scale farmers and new farmprenerus as we provide our users with complete project reports, business development plans as well as risk management.


Thus, the major hindrance for small-scale farmers is not the size of their land but a conventional approach towards farming. Agriculture practices like aquaponics, microgreen and mushroom cultivation not only require small land but also is extremely profitable in today’s times and modern farmers have to utilize modern techniques because it is rightly said: “old ways won’t open new doors”. At KisaanMitrr we provide you with world-class farming consulting solutions that can help you adopt smart agriculture techniques even on small portions of land that can help you become a profitable farmer soon. Get in touch with us today to know more.